This the Ahead Armor, AA 5028OWO hardware bag with telescoping handle and wheels. This is a good bag. Check out my review!!! Tap this link to purchase on my Amazon store.
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The Gayle Harrod Band. Rave reviews.
Trust me, you’re going to love this one. And I’m not talking about my amazing review, I’m talking about the CD. Here are my thoughts on the execellent debut release from The Gayle Harrod Band. Enjoy….. The Gayle Harrod Band Temptation Self-Released Publicity: Blind Raccoon By Peter “Blewzzman” Lauro © February 2023 Is forty-two years of age too […]
Snareweight 80
The M80 is an effective drum mute system. From wide open drum tone to a natural sounding muted drum tone, the M80 has your drum sound covered. The M80 drum mute can be used on the toms as well. The M80 black leather snareweight can be purchased at